Monday, September 20, 2004


For the third time since last night, I'm starting this post to say that it looks like things are getting better (the last two times I started this post, something went wrong, almost immiedietly).

The search site should be up and running, I hope to have Groups up by the end of the day.

For those interested, the problem seems to have been related to Linux (specifically Fedora Core 2) and not disconnecting network/IO resources related to Java processes. While our code ran fine under Gentoo, something is different with the way Java process pipe to the console on Fedora. Tomcat would run for 10 to 15 minutes, then lock up, taking all networking stuff with it, to the point where I was unable to even ping the box. The only recourse was to reboot the box. As this seemed to be related to Java only, I went through our code and removed any references to System.out.println() or printStackTrace(), and things seemed to improve, although I'm still not 100% certain this has fixed things. I've seen the same strange behavior from other applications on the box, like MySQL, but not as frequently or as pernicious as what has happening with Tomcat. I've poured over the Fedora forums and haven't found anything related, so if anyone knows of a general fix or workaround for this type of problem, please let me know.

So what should have taken an hour or so went on for a couple of days. Ugh. The good news is that things should get progressievly better from here on out. The index we are running is a bit out of date, I'm still working on getting data off the old server, and will plug it in later. In the mean time, new entries will start to show up soon. Thanks!

Oh, and I'll try to put the regular Blogdigger Blog back up by the end of the day, so updates should (hopefully) start flowing through there.

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